UA-67453637-1 Steve Foxon - Example Soundtrack Music


These are music suites from soundtracks for Audio Productions that I have composed. They show the variety of styles which I am able to write, including electronic and full orchestral scores.

This is a small selection of music, and you can find a lot more over on my Soundcloud Page.

Video Game Soundtracks

Here is a small selection of music I have composed for video games. Composing for both Zodiac and Redsun 2020 was limited to using software called a ‘Tracker’ reduced flexibility. You can download the complete soundtracks from each game by clicking one of the links below the player.
Download the soundtracks:

Deus Ex: Zodiac
Redsun 2020
The Nameless MOD

(Please note that the Nameless MOD soundtrack is not entirely my own work, as for some tracks I took the already started pieces written by Andrew 'Sensei' Livingston, and expanded on them by adding sounds and new sections. Those are the Ice-olated and Rewired tracks, and he is credited in the mp3 tags)

All Music & this Site ©2021 Steve Foxon. All Rights Reserved.